
2023-10-15 13:28 来源:策古网 点击:







酒商 Champy19世纪末的酒单里就常出现冰冻过的李奇堡或玻玛,价格也比一般没有冻过的酒昂贵。如1889年的李奇堡一瓶可卖6法,冰冻浓缩后可卖到7法郎。


逆渗透法在勃艮第较少见,蒸馏法常见一些。依照规定,酒庄只能对10%的葡萄汁进行浓缩。Durafroid及 Entropie是蒸馏浓缩系统主要的厂家,其借助的原理是,在真空状态下沸点大幅降低,只要加热到约40℃就可以蒸发掉一部分水分,提高葡萄汁中的糖分浓度。浓缩法不仅使糖分浓度增加,也让酸度、单宁及颜色等变得更浓,比加糖的方法更容易改变葡萄酒原本的面貌。勃艮第在酿造红酒时偶尔也会采用流血法( saignee),流掉一部分的葡萄汁,提高皮相对于汁的比例,以加深红酒的颜色、提高涩味,不过不会提高糖度。



The essential knowledge of Burgundy fans - how does Burgundy regulate sugar and acid?

Sugar and acid

In France, due to the warmer weather in the production areas on the Mediterranean coast, the grapes are easy to mature, and according to regulations, sugar can not be added at all. Due to its northerly position, Burgundy enjoys the right to add sugar to raise alcohol levels, just like in northern France. The addition may be sucrose or beet sugar or glucose. The higher alcohol content makes the wine more round and delicious, and the sugar can also increase the yield slightly, and one or two hundred liters per hectare. Although the trend of global warming makes Burgundy less and less need to add sugar in order to improve alcohol, but in the brewing, sugar is still effective.

Adding sugar is an excellent way to prolong the fermentation and skinning time of red wine. At the end of the fermentation, the sugar is added to the wine tank several times, which can prolong the fermentation time. When the red wine is fermented, the carbon dioxide produced by the fermentation disappears. The grape skin that originally floated on the wine surface due to the bubbles will gradually sink and lose the function of protecting the wine. Therefore, the process of soaking the skin must be stopped immediately to prevent oxidation. At the end of the fermentation, sugaring can extend the time of skin soaking.

In addition to the minimum natural alcohol concentration in all grades of vineyards, the increased alcohol concentration of Burgundy can not exceed 2%, and the sugar added per hectare should not exceed 250 kg. To increase the alcohol content, sugar is not the only way to remove the water from the grape juice and make the sugar more concentrated. Although the concentrating method is a new method, according to historical data, Burgundy has already had a way to make wine more concentrated in the 19th century. The wine merchant puts the wine in an aluminum bucket on a harsh winter night and places it outdoors. After the water freezes, the ice cubes floating in the bucket are removed to achieve the purpose of concentration.

The wine merchant Champy often had frozen Lichburg or Boma in the wine list at the end of the 19th century, and the price was also more expensive than the wine that was not frozen. For example, in 1889, Li Qibao can sell 6 bottles, and after freezing, it can be sold to 7 francs.

The recent concentration method is mainly based on distillation and reverse osmosis

Reverse osmosis is less common in Burgundy, and distillation is common. According to the regulations, the winery can only concentrate 10% of the grape juice. Durafroid and Entropie are the main manufacturers of distillation and concentration systems. The principle is that the boiling point is greatly reduced under vacuum. As long as it is heated to about 40 °C, a part of the water can be evaporated to increase the sugar concentration in the grape juice. The concentration method not only increases the concentration of sugar, but also makes the acidity, tannin and color become more concentrated, and it is easier to change the original appearance of the wine than the method of adding sugar. Burgundy occasionally uses saignee when brewing red wine, which sheds a portion of the grape juice and increases the ratio of the skin to the juice to deepen the color of the wine and enhance the astringency, but does not increase the sugar content.

Sour taste has the function of preserving wine and is also a factor in a balanced taste. Burgundy allows acid to be added to wine or grape juice when it is not sour, but it is limited to tartaric acid. If added to the wine, add 2.5 grams per liter; if it is added to the grape juice, it should not exceed 1.5 grams. However, the earlier the acid is added, the better, because it can prevent the grape with insufficient acidity from being attacked by bacteria, especially to avoid the fermentation of lactic acid when the alcohol fermentation is not completed. Most of the tartaric acid added before the fermentation will be precipitated before the brewing, and will not affect the taste; however, if it is added after the brewing, it will remain in the wine. The added acid is difficult to mix harmoniously with the wine, so it produces a rough sour taste and even a metallic taste, which seriously affects the quality of the wine.

According to the European Union's wine laws, it is not possible to add acid and sugar to the same product. Therefore, it is illegal to add some acid and sugar to the winery in the first part of Burgundy. Burgundians generally affirm the benefits of adding sugar, but have a negative view of how much acid is added. Although adding acid can improve the acidity, it is rarely mixed with wine in a coordinated manner. Even after years of cultivation in a bottle, it is difficult to improve. Therefore, adding acid can only be regarded as a remedy, and it is not a method of improving quality.

The End


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